How to Add Volume to a Stock Chart

Table of Contents

What is a Volume Chart

Volume charts are usually Line or Area charts synchronized with a Candlestick or OHLC stock chart displayed above.

Steps to Add Volume to a Candlestick Chart

Start Visual Xtractor or Data Xtractor. Connect to a database. Create or design a SQL query. Run the query and check the results.

  1. Create a regular or derived Candlestick chart.
  2. Select Area ChartsArea in your numeric volume data column.
  3. Select the new added chart or series from the toolbar, and change its drawing style to Semi-Transparent and Curve Line (Spline).

Candlestick Chart with Volume

Steps to Add Volume to an OHLC Chart

Start Visual Xtractor or Data Xtractor. Connect to a database. Create or design a SQL query. Run the query and check the results.

  1. Create a regular or derived OHLC chart.
  2. Select Area ChartsArea in your numeric volume data column.
  3. Select the new added chart or series from the toolbar, and change its drawing style to Semi-Transparent and Curve Line (Spline).

OHLC Chart with Volume


  • Adding a semi-transparent Volume Area chart at the bottom of a Candlestick or OHLC stock chart in Data Xtractor or Visual Xtractor is simple and straightforward: just set the volume data column to the Area chart type, adjust its drawing style as spline semi-transparent, and that’s it!
  • Switch to another builtin chart theme, or customize your own, for any possible color or other styles.