Diagram Options
Table of Contents
Show Icons
Display icons in shape titles and items. Column items may get a primary and/or foreign key icon. Relationship items have icons that reflect their cardinality.
In the query builder, this option has a different behavior. By default, icons are replaced by checkboxes, to select shape items in the builder. When show icons is turned on, checkboxes disappear, regular icons are shown instead, but all unchecked shape icons are automatically hidden as well:
Show Simplified
No round shape corners, no round connector corners, no shape shadows, no dash connectors, no connector heads (except for specific join indication in query diagrams). Combined with transparent shapes, this setting is focused on getting as much glitz and blitz out of the way.
Show Contrast
Switches background’s color with shape’s fill color. If you had white shapes on grayed background, you’ll get grayed shapes on white background, and vice-versa.
Show Monochrome
No colors, just gray areas, with a nice gray gradient for shape’s title.
Show Landscape
Switches between Portrait (tall) and Landscape (wide) page orientation.
Show Object Types
Show object’s type (like Table, View, User Query etc) below shape’s title.
Show Categories
Display shape items in following collapsable categories:
- Relationships – for all generated surrogate relationship items
- Keys – for primare and/or foreign key columns, including surrogate custom keys.
- Columns – all other column items.
When category collapsed and shape unselected, the whole category with all items within become hidden.
Show Data Types
Shapes show a second column with the physical type name (or conceptual data type if Show Short Types selected), a * suffix (if optional value) and the default value (if Show Default Values).
Show Short Types
When Show Data Types on, show conceptual data types (numeric, string, datetime etc) instead of the physical data types collected through the metadata import.
Show Default Values
When Show Data Types on, show also the default value (if any), after the data type.
Show Grid
Switch between showing and hiding a math grid on the diagram. When grid is visible, shapes will automatically snap-to-grid (i.e. auto-align on each square’s borders) after move. That’s also a menu command you can use for all selected elements.