Generated Models

Table of Contents

Detailed Model

  • Icons, colors and object types in shape titles.
  • All shapes expanded. Shapes with categories and (long) data types and default values.
  • Relationships categories collapsed (and hidden). No expanded or visible relationships.
  • Reflects full structure of columns in tables/views.


Structural Model

  • Icons and colors.
  • Similar to Relationship Model, but all shapes expanded.
  • Simple shape items with no data types or categories.
  • All relationships expanded.
  • Hidden intersection tables, many-to-many conceptual relationships displayed instead.
  • Reflects both interconnection and structure.


Relationship Model

  • Icons and colors.
  • All relationships expanded into connectors.
  • Hidden intersection tables, many-to-many conceptual relationships displayed instead.
  • All shapes collapsed. When expanded, they have no categories, but short conceptual data type names.
  • Reflects interconnection between tables/views.


Simple Model

  • Just shape titles and column items, in a very simplified text-like notation.
  • Transparent shapes, no icons, colors or objects types, no categories or data types.
  • No visible relationships.
  • Reflects simple structure of columns in tables/views.


Graph Model

  • No icons or colors.
  • Just transparent shapes, with shape names and straight relationship connectors between.
  • Simple items when shapes expanded.
  • Hidden intersection tables, many-to-many conceptual relationships displayed instead.


Topological Model

  • Colors, no icons.
  • All minimized shapes.
  • Simple straight connectors between shapes.
  • Reflects the complexity in connectivity between tables/views.
