Inline Charts

Table of Contents

Categories of Inline Chart Types

Inline charts are data visualization graphs painted within grid’s cells. Run Visual Xtractor and Data Xtractor, and make a selection in the Inline Chart query builder, whenever such choice is available. Inline chart graphs are applied to the result grid after the query has been executed. They have nothing to do with your generated SQL query or the database server. For large data sets, they may become time consuming, so use with care.

Categories for all our inline charts:

  1. Horizontal Bars – Simple Bars, Range Bars, Dumbbell Bars, Nested Bars, Progress Bars, Bullet Bars, Stacked Bars.
  2. Spark Charts – Spark Lines and Areas, Columns and Win/Loss, Spark Pie and Solid Gauge.
  3. Heat Maps – Simple/Complex Zero/Median-Based Heat Maps and Variation Maps.
  4. Images – Pictograms, Status Icons, Tally Marks, Checkboxes.

For a detailed list and specific instructions on each inline chart type, go to the Inline Chart Types page.

Examples of simple inline bar charts:

Inline Chart Configuration Options

Depending on the specific graphs, some may be adjusted through toolbar buttons, as it follows:

  1. Inline Chart Theme – with specific styles for all inline charts from current query.
  2. Inline Chart Colors – to change the default color palette for current inline chart theme.
  3. Pictogram Icon or Palette – change either the individual pictogram marker, or the whole marker palette for stacked pictograms.
  4. Inline Chart Help – go to an online tutorial page to learn how to configure and customize the specific charts from your grid.
  5. Hide Text – hide text displayed in the same cells with the graphs. Cells with icons may display them in the middle when there is no text.
  6. Hide Gradient – hide the color gradient, displayed by default.
  7. Hide Colors – show either colors or monochrome greys.
  8. Show as Lollipop – show thin bars and large markers.
  9. Show Markers – show point markers for line or bar charts.
  10. Hide Axes – show or hide the horizontal or vertical axes in line, bar or area charts.
  11. Simple/Complex Heat Map – show simple or complex heat map colors.
  12. Zero/Median-based Variations – calculate heat map colors based either on the zero value or the median point.

Inline Chart Options

When a graph is too small, you can always change the height of its individual containing row.

Inline Chart Series

Single-series chart types are directly selected and applied on one single data column. For instance, a single bar chart can be set on a data grid column with quantity values, to compare the returned values from each cell. The Inline Chart menu items are enabled only when the data type of that column allows creation of such graphs.

Multi-series chart types can be started on any data column, but they will always be actually created on a no-field column, automatically added at the end of the grid if necessary. You also need to edit and select more than one data series for these types, which will be listed in the data cell instead of the chart type.

Here is the Inline Chart Series popup for a Bullet chart type, which requires the actual and goal values as two separate parameters, specified as references to two other columns:

Inline Chart Series

Range Bars, Dumbbell Bars, Progress and Nested Bars, Bullet Charts and Butterfly Bars are multi-series chart types that requires exactly two parameters.

Spark Charts, Stacked Bars, Stacked and Bubble Pictograms require a variable number of parameters.

Inline Chart Demo Queries

For any database type, regardless of your data and server engine, you may also generate and play with some demo queries. The Inline Chart demo queries at this time are presented below:

Inline Chart Demo Queries

Theme Chart Samples

Xtractor Templates is an application installed with any Data Xtractor product, to configure your themes, colors and other styles. You may select a theme and switch to the Theme Charts for your selection. Switch to a specific category of Inline Charts.

The selection below is a part of the category of simple Inline Bars:

Inline Chart Samples

Embedded Database Images

This is not an inline chart type, but a data visualization feature for embedded images stored in database table fields. You may show or hide these images – one simple icon will appear instead. Double-click on the bottom margin of your grid row, to resize-it to the height of the image it contains.

It’s not always possible to display a proper image, but for most supported relational databases our grid will render photos like the ones below.

Inline Charts Photos